The Vyas Higher Education Channel is dedicated to the students studying their degree courses in universities and colleges. The curriculum which is being followed is based on UGC model curricula and CBCS compliance. The scheduling of the channel is based on the step scheduling format
National Broadcast Code (NBC):

    Broadcast will not permit:

  • 1. Criticism of friendly countries;
  • 2. attack on religions or communities;
  • 3. anything obscence or defamatory;
  • 4. incitement to violence or anything against main-tenance of law and order;
  • 5. anything amounting to contempt of court;
  • 6. aspersions against the integrity of the President and Judiciary;
  • 7. anything affecting the integrity of the Nation; and;
  • 8. criticism by name of any person.
The pedagogy or approach to impart education, which is been adopted to create dynamic step scheduling, is to provide variety of the content and flexibility to view the content. This will certainly provide freshness to the scheduled content with its unique vertical placement. It will also break the monotony of horizontal repeats and provide more opportunities and flexibilities to choose the desired time and day to the students to view the desired programs.

Vyas Channel Telecast Schedule
  06:00-06:30 Raag Samay Siddhant - III 10'03'' PERFORMING ARTS
  Copperware: A Peerless Heritage 13'44"" ART AND CULTURe
  06:30-07:00 Necessity and Obligation 14'46"" LANGUAGE
  Nirbaadh Swar Sarita: Begum Parveen Sultana 12'14"" MUSIC
  07:00-07:30 Indus Civilization: Religious Beliefs, Practices and Scripts 30'00"" HISTORY
  07:30-08:00 Women and Community 16'11'' POLITICAL SCIENCE
  Jhelum and its Bridges in Srinagar 11'36"" ART AND CRAFT
  08:00-08:30 Historical Foundations of Library 24'28'' LIBRARY SCIENCE
  08:30-09:00 Naye Mehman: Uday Shankar Bhatt - I 29'47'' LITERATURE
  09:00-09:30 What is Mathematics - I 22'25"" MATHS
  09:30-10:00 Mechanism of Organic Reaction - IV 29'53"" CHEMISTRY
  10:00-10:30 Hobbies: Introduction to Hobbies and Types of Hobbies 26'30"" PHYSICAL EDUCATION
  10:30-11:00 Miracles in Microworld: Life in Vitro 29'43"" BIOTECHNOLOGY
  11:00-11:30 LIVE LECTURE
  11:30-12:00 LIVE LECTURE
  12:00-12:30 LIVE LECTURE
  12:30-01:00 LIVE LECTURE
  01:00-01:30 Applications of Crop Biotechnology 28'52"" BOTANY
  01:30-02:00 Arenes and Aromaticity - II 19'49"" CHEMISTRY
  Rakt Pushp (Filler) 06'19""
  02:00-02:30 How Different Types of Advertising Impact The Consumer? 28'47"" ADVERTISING
  02:30-03:00 Shabd Sanrachna: Ek Parichaya 25'16"" LANGUAGE
  03:00-03:30 LIVE LECTURE
  03:30-04:00 LIVE LECTURE
  04:00-04:30 LIVE LECTURE
  04:30-05:00 LIVE LECTURE
  05:00-05:30 Viscosity 28'00"" PHYSICS
  05:30-06:00 Soil Formation 24'15"" SERICULTURE
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