The Vyas Higher Education Channel is dedicated to the students studying their degree courses in universities and colleges. The curriculum which is being followed is based on UGC model curricula and CBCS compliance. The scheduling of the channel is based on the step scheduling format
National Broadcast Code (NBC):

    Broadcast will not permit:

  • 1. Criticism of friendly countries;
  • 2. attack on religions or communities;
  • 3. anything obscence or defamatory;
  • 4. incitement to violence or anything against main-tenance of law and order;
  • 5. anything amounting to contempt of court;
  • 6. aspersions against the integrity of the President and Judiciary;
  • 7. anything affecting the integrity of the Nation; and;
  • 8. criticism by name of any person.
The pedagogy or approach to impart education, which is been adopted to create dynamic step scheduling, is to provide variety of the content and flexibility to view the content. This will certainly provide freshness to the scheduled content with its unique vertical placement. It will also break the monotony of horizontal repeats and provide more opportunities and flexibilities to choose the desired time and day to the students to view the desired programs.

Vyas Channel Telecast Schedule
  06:00-06:30 Paniniya Ashtadhyayi Ki Addhanaya Paddhati - XXXVIII 21'26'' LANGUAGE
  The Other Side… (Filler) 07'06""
  06:30-07:00 Language Skills: Models - II 19'30"" LANGUAGE
  Magic of Invisible Hands (Filler) 06'50""
  07:00-07:30 Age of Explorations 27'00"" HISTORY
  07:30-08:00 The United Nations Organisation and Women Rights 17'38'' POLITICAL SCIENCE
  We Too Are Culprits 12'12"" ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
  08:00-08:30 Antarrashtriya Rajniti: Avdharna, Paribhasha, Kshetra, Vichardhara Evam Shakti Ka Santulan 28'05'' JOURNALISM
  08:30-09:00 Teaching of Vocabulary and Grammar 24'14'' EDUCATION
  09:00-09:30 Batch and Continuous Fermentation - II 25'07'' LIFE SCIENCE
  09:30-10:00 Structure, Types and Functions of Lipids 26'05"" BOTANY
  10:00-10:30 Kabir Vaani - II: Pinjar Prem Prakasiya 17'15'' LITERATURE
  Shatavari 09'41'' BOTANY
  10:30-11:00 Agyaat Uchaiyon Ki Sahas Yatra 30'42"" SPORTS
  11:00-11:30 Broken Bones 22'25"" MEDICAL SCIENCE
  Numismatics (Filler) 08' 21""
  11:30-12:00 Surbahar: Ek Gambhir Vadya 26'39"" MUSIC
  12:00-12:30 Fats and Oils FOOD TECHNOLOGY
  12:30-01:00 Edit Points: Linear Vs Non-Linear Editing 26'50"" MASS COMMUNICATION
  01:00-01:30 Drugs and Pharmaceuticals - II 24'29'' CHEMISTRY
  01:30-02:00 Structure of Heart 23'27"" ZOOLOGY
  02:00-02:30 Karnah: Living off The Edge 28'23"" ANTHROPOLOGY
  02:30-03:00 Hobbies: Introduction to Hobbies and Types of Hobbies PHYSICAL EDUCATION
  03:00-03:30 Structure of Heart 23'27"" ZOOLOGY
  03:30-04:00 Buddhist Practices SANSKRIT
  04:00-04:30 Qualitative Research Method: Naturalistic Enquiry 27'14"" EDUCATION
  04:30-05:00 The Future of Nation 27'00"" SOCIAL SCIENCE
  05:00-05:30 Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography 23'39'' INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
  05:30-06:00 Special Demographic Surveys 26'43'' STATISTICS
27 JUL